The City of Mississauga is kicking off its annual fall leaf pickup.
Each year in the fall, the City offers vacuum leaf pickup on streets that are over 35 years old and feature many mature trees, according to the City’s website.
Residents in areas included in the leaf pickup program are encouraged to rake their leaves into a tidy pile at the edge of the road or in their ditches a day or two before their scheduled collection week.
It’s important to keep the road and curbside drains clear of leaves, and to remove parked cars and any sports equipment from the road.
The City specifies that items like wood, brush, or bricks cannot be mixed with the leaves, and that garbage bags or bins should not be placed on top of the leaf piles.
The leaf pickup areas are divided into three zones: yellow, blue, and green, with the yellow zone starting this week.
Here’s the schedule:
**Yellow Zone**
– Oct. 28 to Nov. 1
– Nov. 18 to Nov. 22
**Blue Zone**
– Nov. 4 to Nov. 8
– Nov. 25 to Nov. 29
**Green Zone**
– Nov. 11 to Nov. 15
– Dec. 2 to Dec. 6
Check the City’s map for the locations of the different zones.
Officials note that rain or snowfall may affect the schedule.
If residents miss the pickup or if additional leaves fall after the vacuums have passed, they can place leaves in yard waste bags for collection or drop them off at a recycling center, where fees may apply.
The City suggests composting leaves or spreading them around the base of trees to enrich the soil and protect it from extreme temperatures.